What I use to edit...

Photographers, this is the MOST important tool you will use for your photos... Lightroom Classic. This is where you will edit your photos.
So where will you find this? You will need an Adobe account to get this specific version of Lightroom that you need. If you download the app 'Lightroom"- that is not it. This is what it looks like, but do not be deceived.. it is the mobile version!

What you need to download is Lightroom Classic. In this version of Lightroom, you can edit every aspect of the photo. You find this version through Adobe. Here is what it looks like:

Another option for editing is to use Photoshop. I do NOT recommend editing a full gallery this way. In Lrc you can copy/paste settings, scroll through the whole gallery, and other various multi-editing tools. To my knowledge, PS does not have the capabilities- but it is AWESOME to use for those specific editing needs.

Lightroom Classic, editing, exporting the gallery, it can all be so confusing. I teach about this in The Photographer's Guide #1! Check out the course to learn more about editing and sending a Professional Gallery to your clients.

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